Order #: 24350T
Mfg #: 2431703
Fluke Calibration 7103 Micro-Bath Thermometer Calibrator, -30C to 125C
Order #: 24350T
Mfg #: 2431703
Product Highlights
- Totally portable.
- Weighs only 22 lbs. and includes a transport seal/lid.
- Fits sensors of virtually any size and shape.
- Accuracy ± 0.4 ºC
- Tank size 2.5" X 5.5" deep.
Each Unit Includes
- RS-232 interface
- "Interface It" software for automated PC control
- transport seal lid
- 2085 test lid
Wherever you go with your Micro-Bath, you can count on its performance. Each model is stable to ±0.03 °C or better, depending on the fluid you use. Uniformity is ±0.02 °C or better for low uncertainties using a reference thermometer. Display accuracy has been improved to ±0.25 °C for quick calibrations without a reference thermometer. In short, you get the stability and precision of a liquid bath in a dry-well-sized package. Don’t be fooled by competitors who pour oil into a dry-well and call it a bath. Micro-Baths are maximized for true fluid-bath performance.
With a 48 mm (1.9-inch) diameter, 140 mm (5.5-inch) deep tank, a Micro-Bath can calibrate any type of sensor including short, square, or odd-shaped sensors. The problems of fit and immersion are virtually eliminated by using a fluid medium rather than a dry-block calibrator. Micro-Baths are perfect for liquid-in-glass and bimetal thermometers.
The Fluke 6102 has a temperature range from 35 °C to 200 °C, the Fluke 7102 covers –5 °C to 125 °C, and the Fluke 7103 extends from –30 °C to 125 °C. Stability, uniformity, and accuracy specifications cover the entire range for each bath, not just the best temperature.
All Micro-Baths have RS-232 ports, come with our Interface-it software, and can be used with MET/TEMP II software (described on page 81). Also included are contacts to calibrate a thermal switch, eight set-point memory storage, ramp-rate adjust, and over-temperature safety cutout.
Automating and Documenting Temperature Calibration Webinar with Fluke Calibration