Keysight Data Acquisition Mainframes Selection Guide

Keysight 34970A Keysight 34972A from TranscatFor over 25 years, Keysight has been one of the leading providers of general-purpose data acquisition solutions. One of the main differences of Keysight’s data acquisition system is the ability of the switch and modules to collect data from different types of inputs on the same module; several of the competitors offer specialized modules for temperature, voltage, and other types of signals.

Keysight’s data acq platforms also integrate seamlessly with the Benchvue software platform, which connects and controls all your general Keysight bench equipment.

Models 34970A 34972A 34980A
Request Quote Quote Quote Quote
Number of Slots 3 3 8
Number of Module Slots 8 8 21
6-1/2 Digit DMM
Maximum Mux Channels (2-Wire) 60 60 560
Maximum Matrix Crosspoints 96 96 2048
Removable Terminal Blocks    
Maximum Frequency 2 GHz 2 GHz 26.5 GHz
Scan (ch/s) 250 250 1000