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Transcat Calibration servicesTranscat Calibration services

Thermocouple Probe and Thermocouple Wire Calibration Services

Transcat calibrates thermocouple probes and wire in the lab or on your site with the highest quality and accuracy. Our extensive capabilities cover thermocouple types J, K, T, E, R, S, N, and B, with temperature ranges from -270° C to 1,820° C. Our onsite, process or laboratory services can accommodate the full scope of industrial thermocouple probes, as well as bare or insulated thermocouple wire.

Transcat accredited calibration laboratories offer industry-leading expertise to provide NIST-traceable calibration of thermocouples in various designs and configurations. Our highly skilled technicians calibrate TC probes in a full scope of temperature ranges, lengths and diameters. Thermocouple wire of varying materials, sizes and maximum temperatures is also calibrated with accredited, industry-leading expertise. Upon request, we can calibrate your thermocouple probes or wire to AMS2750E SAE standards.

How Does Transcat Ensure Thermocouple Accuracy?

A Transcat accredited temperature probe calibration utilizes precise measuring equipment, strict quality standards, and stringent procedures. With world-class expertise, we calibrate wire, probes, sensors and full range of instrumentation to ensure accuracy in measurement. Our capabilities include thermocouple probes of various junction types and sheath materials, which are designed for a range of applications, including corrosive environments. We calibrate the individual air, gas, penetration, immersion, or surface probes to appropriate standards based on the thermocouple type. We also calibrate wire to TC type specifications and tolerances.

  • Transcat calibrates probes, probe kits, probe-meter connections, and data logger probe systems used in virtually every process and industrial application.
  • Our capabilities for wire and probe cover Newport Electronics, Cole-Parmer, Onset HOBO, Hanna Instruments, Wahl, Fluke and other brands.
  • We offer industry-leading ISO/IEC 17025-accredited and ISO 9001-compliant capabilities for thermocouple wires, probes and assemblies, as well as temperature sensors and RTDs.
  • Our instrument calibrations span a vast scope of temperature ranges and are performed in the lab or at your facility to OEM or customized specifications.

Broad-Ranging Temperature Calibration Capabilities

Transcat offers temperature calibration services in all of our labs across North America. This includes secondary level thermocouple, thermometer, and temperature transmitter calibrations. We also offer reference-level SPRT probe and primary standard calibrations by comparison to indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum fixed point reference cells. Transcat's temperature calibrations are ISO 9001-compliant with true SI Unit traceability through NIST, equivalent sources, or physical constants. In addition to thermocouple calibrations, our superior capabilities cover:

  • Infrared, liquid-in-glass, and digital thermometers of all types and ranges
  • RTD probes in a full scope of models and ranges
  • Dry block, temperature oven, and furnace
  • Ice and temperature calibration baths

Calibration Service Level Options for Industry

Transcat's industry-leading capabilities come with the flexibility to meet the needs of diverse organizations with varying quality and budgetary considerations. We benefit all types of businesses by providing:

  • A dedication to calibration consistency that supports accurate processes and quality products
  • Various levels of accredited thermocouple device calibration services, plus convenient in-process options
  • A user-friendly CalTrak system that puts calibration records at your immediate disposal

The Calibration of Thermocouple Wires or Probes

For more information on calibrating thermocouple wire or probes, please use our Live Chat system located on the right side of the page, Request a Quote form, contact us, or call Transcat directly at 800-828-1470.