Corporate Governance

Transcat's corporate governance guidelines reflect the Board's commitment to monitor the effectiveness of policy and decision-making both at the Board and management level, with a view to enhancing long-term shareholder value.

Board of Directors Executive Officers and Senior Management
Gary J. Haseley 4*

Chairman of the Board, Retired Senior Vice President and General Manager, Kaman Automation, Control & Energy

Lee D. Rudow 4

President and Chief Executive Officer

Oksana S. Dominach 1*, 3, 4

SVP, Beer Finance, Constellation Brands, Inc.

Michael W. West

Chief Operating Officer

Charles P. Hadeed 1, 4

Retired Chief Executive Officer, Transcat, Inc.

Thomas Barbato

Chief Financial Officer

Craig D. Cairns 3*

Chairman, President and majority owner of Howe & Rusling Inc.

Marcy Bosley

Vice President, Sales

Mbago M. Kaniki 2*, 3

Chief Executive Officer of Adansonia Management LLC

Theresa A. Conroy

Senior Vice President, Human Resources

Lee D. Rudow 4

President and Chief Executive Officer

Michael Haddad

Chief Information officer

Cindy Langston 1, 2, 5*

Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for
Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield

Scott D. Deverell

Corporate Controller and Principal Accounting Officer

Dawn DePerrior 3, 5

Retired, Managing Director in EY’s Healthcare Technology Consulting Practice

Christopher Gillette 2, 5

Lean Leader Sales & Marketing at GE Aerospace

Robert L. Mecca 1

Senior Vice President of Finance at Gilead Sciences


1 - Audit Committee
2 - Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
3 - Compensation Committee
4 - Executive Committee
5 - Technology Committee
*Committee Chair