Dissolution Bath Validation & Qualification Services
Transcat provides laboratory analytical services for Varian, Vankel, Distek and Hanson Dissolution Systems & Disintegration Testers.
Transcat's dissolution bath service solutions for the Life Science Market are specifically designed to support the maintenance, qualification, troubleshooting and documentation accuracy needs of FDA regulated companies. Transcat has GMP trained field service engineers and a program management solution in support of medical device manufacturer, biomedical and pharmaceutical companies. Our field service engineers are highly skilled and experienced with analytical instruments in laboratory and manufacturing environments. Transcat always meets or exceeds customer's needs with a timely and professional response.
Transcat offers Installation Qualification (IQ), Operation Qualification (OQ), Mechanical Qualification (MQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ) or Prednisone tests on Dissolution Systems. The OQ/MQ may include rotational speed, wobble, shaft verticality, depth, centering, timer accuracy and temperature accuracy.
Transcat Data Fact Sheet list all tests we can perform including set points/range and acceptance criteria.

Custom Protocols
- Transcat offers custom protocols to qualify your equipment to your process. Protocol templates are available and are flexible enough to tailor to our customers' specific needs.
When in doubt - call Transcat or click here to Contact Transcat and ask us a question.