Drummond Scientific Pipet-Aid, HoodMate, 110V
Pipet-Aid, HoodMate, 110V
Order #: DRCT015
Mfg #: 4-000-300
Drummond Scientific Pipet-Aid, HoodMate, 110V
Pipet-Aid, HoodMate, 110V
Order #: DRCT015
Mfg #: 4-000-300
Availability: Ships in 3-4 weeks

Product Highlights
Drummond Scientific Pipet-Aid®, HoodMate, 110V
This Pipette Controller is ideal for working comfortably under a hood, offering the ease and usability of a portable unit with the dependability and longevity of a more permanent laboratory fixture. Robust features include: The lightweight handle (4.3 oz.) offering nine fill and empty speed settings and proportional fingertip controls. A longer 6' coiled hose. Energy saving "auto off." Dedicated pump housing attaches to hood wall and gives you more space. Coiled vacuum/pressure line enters the handle from the top, for safer pipetting. And no charging is necessary. It's always ready to work.
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