Keysight 5316A for Rent, Universal Counter
Universal Counter
Order #: 5316A-RENT2
Mfg #: 5316A
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Keysight 5316A for Rent, Universal Counter
Universal Counter
Order #: 5316A-RENT2
Mfg #: 5316A

Keysight 5316A Highlights
The Keysight 5316A is a universal counter, measuring signals over a range of DC to 100 MHz. The 5316A measures Frequency, Period, Time Interval Average, Time Interval Holdoff (delay), and Ratio. A Totalize function with manual or external gating is also provided. All measurements except Totalize are displayed in engineering notation with up to eight digits of resolution.
- The 5316A can be programmed via the Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB)
- Two independent input channels are provided for time interval measurements
- Each input channel has an Attenuator (X1, X20), Trigger Slope selector, Trigger Level / Sensitivity control, three-state trigger lamps, and front panel Trigger Level Monitoring jacks
- A front panel selectable Low-Pass Filter is provided for Channel A
- Four options extend the capabilities of the 5316A:
- Option 001 TCXO and Option 004 Oscillator offer improved time base stability
- Option 003 Channel C frequency measurements in the range of 50 MHz to 1 GHz
- Option 006 Offset / Normalizer allows active mathematical modifications to the 5316A
- The 5316A is designed for rack mounting or stacking, and features a metal cabinet to minimize EMI
- Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Resolution: 8 digits
- Measurements: Frequency, ratio, totalization, period, time interval