Keysight AP5002A Microwave Analog Signal Generator, up to 26 GHz
Microwave Analog Signal Gen 9 kHz to 12 GHz-UPGRADEABLE
Order #: AP5002A
Mfg #: AP5002A
Keysight AP5002A Microwave Analog Signal Generator, up to 26 GHz
Microwave Analog Signal Gen 9 kHz to 12 GHz-UPGRADEABLE
Order #: AP5002A
Mfg #: AP5002A

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Product Highlights
The AP5002A analog signal generator boasts incredible phase noise, wide output power range, fast switching speed, and extensive modulation capabilities all in a compact device. Use onsite or on the go wherever your electronic and wireless modules and systems testing takes you. Easily configure the signal generator using a touch-screen graphic user interface (GUI) or desktop software.
- Characterize devices thoroughly with up to +17 dBm output power and -130 dBc/Hz phase noise
- Accelerate testing with 300 µs switching speed
- Generate a stabilized low-phase noise signal with micro-Hz resolution with an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO)
- Enhance testing with sweep, trigger functions, and user-programmable external reference frequency
- Upgrade your box to a higher frequency or add more capabilities via a license key
- Frequency: 26 GHz
- Output Power @1 GHz: +23 dBm
- Frequency Switching (Typical): 200 µs
- Harmonics @1 GHz: -30 dBc: -130 dBc/Hz
- Phase Noise @1 GHz (20 kHz offset)
- Type: Analog