Siglent SHN900-TDA Time Domain Analysis (SW)
Time Domain Analysis (SW)
Order #: SHN900-TDA
Mfg #: SHN900-TDA
Siglent SHN900-TDA Time Domain Analysis (SW)
Time Domain Analysis (SW)
Order #: SHN900-TDA
Mfg #: SHN900-TDA
Availability: Ships in 3-4 weeks
Product Highlights
The Siglent SHN900-TDA is the time domain analysis option for the SHN900A series of vector network analyzers.
TDA supports time-domain transformation, windowing, coupling, tagging, and gating, which helps to characterize the device from both time-domain and frequency-domain perspectives, such as filtering the desired time-domain response through the gating function, and reducing overshoot and ringing through the windowing function.
- Time domain analysis option
- Compatible with Siglent SHN900A vector network analyzers (sold separately)
- Supports time-domain transformation, windowing, coupling, tagging, and gating
- Helps to characterize the device from both time-domain and frequency-domain perspectives