Keysight DAQM901A 20 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A & DAQ973A
20 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A
Order #: DAQM901A
Mfg #: DAQM901A
Keysight DAQM901A 20 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A & DAQ973A
20 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A
Order #: DAQM901A
Mfg #: DAQM901A
Product Highlights
The Keysight DAQM901A module for the DAQ970A data acquisition system is the most versatile multiplexer for general purpose scanning. It combines dense, multi-function switching with 60 channel/second scan rates to address a broad spectrum of data acquisition applications.
Two- and four-wire channels can be mixed on the same module. Two additional fused inputs (22 channels total) route up to 1A of current to the internal DMM, allowing ac and dc current measurements without the need for external shunt resistors.
- 1 DAQM900A, 20 Channel Solid-state Multiplexer Module
- 1 Certificate of Calibration
- 20 channel multiplexer + 2 Channels for dedicated current measurement
- Two- and four-wire scanning
- 300 V switching
- 80 channels/s scanning
- Built-in thermocouple reference junction
Each Unit Includes
- 1 DAQM901A, 20 Channel Multiplexer Module
- 1 Certificate of Calibration
- Keysight DAQ970A Data Acquisition SystemData Acquisition System
Order #: DAQ970A
Mfg #: DAQ970A
Availability:In stock$2,549.00 - Keysight DAQ973A Data Acquisition System with USB, LAN and GPIBData Acquisition System with USB, LAN and GPIB
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