Mfg #: 2-01301-99
DigiPas DWL1300XY
Mfg #: 2-01301-99
Product Highlights
Digi-Pas DWL-1300XY is an AFFORDABLE Wireless-Bluetooth, Dual-Axis Precision Digital Level of 0.01° resolution designed for entry level used by industrial users & professionals. This 2-axis SMART Digital Level replaces old-fashioned VIAL levels. Users read both X & Y axis levelling measurements wirelessly in proximity via Bluetooth, which effectively cut down installation & setup time effortlessly (ONE-MAN operation) for precision machines & equipment, especially when used in conjunction with Digi-Pas Machinist Level Mobile App (Free one redeemable app with each purchase) with user’s smartphone (additional option to purchase multiple app available on Apple & Android App Stores).
Digi-Pas Precision Digital Level is highly accurate, verified by 3rd parties accredited calibration labs & test bodies in US, Japan & Germany in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 standard, traceable to NIST, JIS & DIN.
- Measuring range: 1.0” or 0.00° ~ ±5.00° dual-axis
- Resolution: 0.002”/ft or 40-second (0.18 mm/M or 0.01°)
- Accuracy: ±0.004”/ft or 80-second (± 0.02°) from 0° to ±0.5° and 0.04° at other angles
- User may use device without or with Bluetooth Measurement when paired with smartphone & Digi-Pas Machinist level App (Optional)
- Bluetooth range: approx. 50ft.
- Operating temperature at 10°F to 120°F. or -10°C to +50°C
- ACCURACY of Digi-Pas digital level is verified by accredited 3rd Party Calibration & Test Laboratories in USA, Japan and Germany traceable to NIST, JIS & DIN.