Used IET Labs RS-RTD RTD Simulator, +/- 0.1%, +25 OMS, 6 Decades
RTD Simulator,+/- 0.1% +25 OMS 6 Decades
Order #: RS-RTD-USED
Used IET Labs RS-RTD RTD Simulator, +/- 0.1%, +25 OMS, 6 Decades
RTD Simulator,+/- 0.1% +25 OMS 6 Decades
Order #: RS-RTD-USED
Availability: Call for Availability
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Product Highlights
- Direct reading " No fumbling with multiple slide or rotary switches
- The IET family of digital substituters uses convenient side by side thumbwheel switches
- Simply dial in the desired values and use
- Accurate
- In addition to standard 1% economical units, tol er ances of 0.1% and 0.05% and are available
- Broad choice of standard and optional models with many powerful features
- A full line of standard substituters will satisfy most requirements
- Other IET families of precision products include: - Laboratory standards, - Transfer standards, - Programmable control, - RTD simulation, - High power, - Very high resistance
- Error proof
- Since the impedance values are set and read directly, no mistakes can be made as with rotary or slide switch decade boxes
- No need to examine and sum groups of switches " simply read one number
- Color coded
- Different colored switches separate the various impedance ranges
- Compact, convenient, and rugged
- Made of high impact plastic, these substituters are very portable and reduce clutter on a busy lab bench