Used Tektronix MSO71254C Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 12.5GHz, 4+16 Channels
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 12.5GHz,4+16 Digital Channels
Order #: MSO71254C-USED
Mfg #: MSO71254C
Used Tektronix MSO71254C Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 12.5GHz, 4+16 Channels
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 12.5GHz,4+16 Digital Channels
Order #: MSO71254C-USED
Mfg #: MSO71254C
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Product Highlights
The Tektronix MSO71254C is a 12.5 GHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; and comes equipped with 4 analog / 16 logic channels. The MSO/DPO70000 Series oscilloscope delivers exceptional signal acquisition performance and analysis capability. Discover your real signals and capture more signal details with the industry's highest waveform capture capability. Automate setup, acquisition and analysis of high-speed serial data signals with a toolset engineered to deliver faster design and compliance testing.
- Capture up to 100GS/sec on analog channels and 12.5GS/sec on digital channels in a single instrument
- Excellent signal fidelity, minimum noise and highest effective number of bits (ENOB)
- Industry's highest waveform capture rate on all 4 channels
- 16 logic channels with 80 psec timing resolution
- Analog/digital probing with a variety of connectivity support options
- Industry's fastest 33 GHz TriMode? probe and 2.5 GHz differential logic probe
- Pinpoint? triggering and high-speed serial pattern triggering up to 6.25 Gb/s
- Comprehensive digital serial analysis solution - probing, triggering, decode and analysis
- Advanced Serial Analysis options for PCIe, I2C, SPI, RS-232/422/485/UART, USB2.0, MIPI D-PHY CSI & DSI, 8b/10b, CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MIL-STD1553B
- Offline Waveform Analysis
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