The 5100B AC/DC Calibrator calibrates precision meters that measure AC or DC Voltage (0-1100V), AC or DC current (200 uA-2A), and Resistance (1 ohm to 10 Mohms). Accuracies are: DC voltage and resistance (0.005%), DC current (0.025%) AC Volts (0.05%) and AC current (0.07%).
DC & AC Volts: 20 mV to 1100 V full scale (0.1 MicroV resolution)
50 Hz to 50 kHz frequency of standard unit
DC & AC Current from 200 MicroA to 2A full scale
1 O to 10 MO resistance in decade steps
Wideband option
HP-IB and Bit serial interface
Drivers incorporate it into an ATE system using Flukes MET/CAL Software
AC or DC Current 200 uA to 2A, Resistance 1 Ohm to 10 Mohms
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