Order #: FSV3030-RENT2
Mfg #: FSV3030-RENT2
Rohde & Schwarz FSV3030 for Rent, Spectrum and Signal Analyzer, 10Hz to 30GHz
Order #: FSV3030-RENT2
Mfg #: FSV3030-RENT2
Product Highlights
The Rohde & Schwarz FSV3030 Signal and Spectrum Analyzer features functions that make complex measurements fast and easy. Setting up RF parameters with touchscreen gestures is as easy as using your smartphone. The auto set feature automatically sets the most important parameters such as frequency, level and gating. The SCPI recorder, which translates manual operation into remote control command scripts, is the dream of any test system software engineer. The Rohde & Schwarz FSV3030 has been designed for high-speed measurements. Production lines benefit from fast measurement times for spectral measurements, highspeed signal demodulation and rapid switching between different measurement modes.
With 200 MHz of analysis bandwidth, the Rohde & Schwarz FSV3030 is ideal for analyzing wireless communications signals in R&D, system testing, verification and production. It allows capturing of two neighboring 5G NR carriers at once. This saves measurement time and makes it possible to analyze interactions and timing between the carriers. With the optional YIG bypass, the 200 MHz bandwidth is available up to the maximum frequency. The FSV3030 features an excellent dynamic range, which is beneficial not only for spectral measurements but also for analyzing and demodulating signals with a high crest factor, such as OFDM signals or signals with a high modulation order. Excellent EVM values better than 1% are possible with 160 MHz wide WLAN signals and also for 5G NR signals.