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In today’s world of manufacturing, R&D, and testing across diverse industries, the definition of Metrology and calibration has taken on new meanings, whether it is right or wrong.

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There are new requirements for ISO 17025 accreditation as well as NIST’s definition of measurement traceability, both of which require measurement uncertainties to be included in calibration reports.

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Focusing on the lab and the method used for each test, there exists a Margin of Error (MOE) associated with each test.

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When a calibration is performed, the instrument being calibrated (Unit Under Test, or UUT) is compared to another instrument (Metrology Standard).

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This white paper covers some Frequently Asked Questions we receive from customers about the differences between ISO-17025:2017 vs. ANSI Z540.3...

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The world is forever changed. Every country, every town, every person. And it does not matter whether you believe COVID-19 is real. The end result is the new reality that we must all face...

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What does accreditation mean? It’s important to recognize this term for what it is, as opposed to diluting or fragmenting this important topic. Here’s how Webster defines accreditation...

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As the skilled, baby-boomer workforce nears retirement, years of technical expertise are exiting as well. Factories are watching years of knowledge leave their organizations, and..

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Laboratory Accreditation is the formal recognition of an organization’s technical competency to perform specific or types of tests or calibrations. Accreditation is given only...

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The interesting thing about evolution is that change is inevitable, yet we are so resistant to change. Those who are closest to a change event are typically evenly divided: about...

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This is a new term that refers to the Probability of Compliance to the Specification. Very simply, it is an indicator that tells you when you may have more measurement risk...

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The PCS service feature is a unique offering you will find only at Transcat. It is effective in normalizing all your calibration data to help equipment users determine...

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The requirements for the process accuracy may be dictated by the requirements of the expected output of the process or product. The ratio between the process accuracy...

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The clock reads 4:42 in the final moments of a playoff game between the New York Jets and the San Diego Chargers. The Jets seemed to come alive in the 4th quarter...

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Transcat has performed enough research on uncertainty in measurement to know that this concept extends to the testing of consumer and business products and...

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Measurement is the very cornerstone of any manufacturing process. It governs such things as the proper mix of ingredients, temperature, pressure, and flow...

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Hey, Transcat, you’re calibrating a micrometer for me, so what’s the big deal about needing to know the make and model? It’s a micrometer for goodness’ sake!...

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The competition amongst manufacturers in today’s world is primarily due to the extensive changes that have been applied to the quality assurance standards...

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The calibration that Transcat performed on your instrument followed ISO-17025 accredited practices. Within this calibration, there may have been one or more...

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As-Found: Out-of-Tolerance is a simple statement, but an incredibly powerful statement. This simple statement of non-compliance will mean more work to be done, a lot more...

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The calibration process usually involves comparison of the T&ME to a standard having like functions with better accuracies. The comparison between the accuracy of the...

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How many times can the smallest division on an analog scale be subdivided? What are the factors that affect this decision? Many people say an operator should only....

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The traceability chain is often regarded as a one-way street in which the top echelon in this chain sets the stage for the measurements that follow in the chain. However....

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Everyone in the field of metrology talks about traceability, what it means and how it relates to the calibrations they perform. How often do metrology labs talk about how it...

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Before we get into the complexities of Measurement Uncertainty, first take a minute to think of uncertainty in terms you already know: How long will it take to...

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At Transcat, we believe in calibrating items properly, and in documenting our calibrations as accurately as possible. We are also passionate about...

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Quality measurements are not produced by accident. They are not the result of a single action, occurrence, or event. They are a collection of activities that are...

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Are your calibrations accredited to ISO/IEC 17025? The number ‘1’ is (or should be) significant to your quality system. Who knew it would become significant in...

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Traceability means different things to different people. The world of Metrology has been evolving and, if you haven’t kept up with it, you are likely carrying with you...

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A Good Metrology Practice (GMetP) for a Calibration Service Provider (CSP) is to flag, mark or identify a unit that has NOT been fully calibrated to the...

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Proper calibration ensures that your instruments are performing as expected, which saves you time, money, and protects your most important asset...

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Uncertainties for the Common User is a white paper based on a short presentation and discussion on the reporting of measurement uncertainties by...

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The goal of your company is to be profitable in providing a superior, effective, and safe product or service. Your use of test and measuring instruments in this process...

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Now that the customer has received the equipment back from the Calibration Service Provider (CSP) there are potentially pages and pages of data, which leaves many...

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Transcat utilizes high-performance instrumentation to provide high-quality traceability for the industry. Many of our assets operate at or near state-of-the-art...

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Have you ever played one of those ‘spot the difference’ picture puzzles? How many can you find in the pictures1 below? The differences are right there in front of us...

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We will cover different aspects of determining the suitability of instruments, including parameter, range, resolution, accuracy, process tolerances...

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